I would have liked to have gotten some taller plants, but they are a little expensive, so we just went small. I know they don't need a lot of water, but from what I understand, those you want to grow faster, you water more. So that's what I have been trying to do.
I got the large rocks from the mountains about 45 minutes away. I was delivering a file to one of my agents up in the farm/mountain country, and noticed rocks that had fallen down the mountain onto the side of the road. So now everytime I deliver a file to her, I pick up a few more. I feel like I am stealing, so every time a car comes up the hill, I pretend to be looking at my tires. How silly is that. She says, "You are silly, we all do it".
I have been looking for my favorite tree from Arizona, which is the Palo Verde Tree. But can only find them here about 3 feet tall unless you want to pay an arm and a leg for a taller one.
Fourth picture here is our attempt to transform the backyard... Will eventually get done.. Trying to pay cash for all these plants, and not a lot of that to go around. These days, we live on the darn credit cards. Not sure why but luckily, my credit card has been 0% interest for the last two years.. so SHHHHHHH.. don't tell anyone. I personally think its a fluke and they just haven't caught it yet.. But I aint' saying notin.
Regarding my previous post of the drought tolerant Neighborhood Garden. I thought it would be years away, but it turns out that it will be completed on October 2nd.. YeeHAA!! Of course, pics will come.
Well anyhow, regarding blogspot, It seems as though they have tried to improve the moving around of pictures and text, but as always, it just ain't working for me.