They would hand people these cards to those that looked like they could use a dose of careing that would say on the front, "Sometimes it's just nice to know somebody cares. Have a great Day!" People were truly touched.
So, I decided to take it a step further. I am creating a website at SHAREYOUCARE.BLOGSPOT.COM. I am going to print up some business cards that are numerically numbered 1 - 100. Hand them to people who could use a dose and hope that those who received the cards will go onto the site, pick the numbered card they received and tell their story of what was going on, what happened when they received the card, etc.. etc...
On the back of the card, I will place a phrase that they should share you care by passing the card onto someone else who could also use a dose and will also visit the site and tell their story... Thus stories going on and on for each numbered card. Spreading the caring over and over again. Of course on the front of the card will be the website. Tracking the cards and seeing where it goes..
I might just pay the $10 a year to host the site so that it has a web address of www.shareyoucare.com so I don't have to have the blogspot address on there.
I got this idea from a website I visited years back, where some guy wrote a web address on dollar bills. People who received the bill would go onto the site and register what city & state they received the bill. Thus tracking the dollar bill across the country. It was pretty cool.
Tell me what you think, visit the site and give me some ideas.. Not even sure that any businesses can print cards numerically without costing me an arm and a leg, so I might have to print up my own.
The site was a quick draft last night, so I need to improve my wording, etc... I need ideas.. I think it could be a lot of fun and very rewarding. I am just afraid that if I hand out 100 cards that the right side of the blog might get to annoying or too long. As of now I only have Care Cards #1 - 15. So if I add 100 cards or more...well you will see what I mean by that when you visit the site.
This is a dream of mine and I don't have a lot of time or cash to get this up and running as I would like to so it may take a few months to get this going.. but, eventually it will happen if you think its a good thing.
It sounds like it could be very interesting and you won't know until you try it what the response will be. There is never any harm in giving something a try. What you have on the website looks good to me.
I did notice what I think is an error in the 2nd paragraph. Should worked be worker?
Other than that, I can't think of anything that would make it any better than what you have.
That's a freakin' awesome idea Jef. The website looks great so far. I look forward to seeing the results!
Great idea! Looks like quite a challenge getting it up and running but you have a great start. It will be a blast to see it up and running!
I think that is a great idea! It will be so neat down the road to read all of the stories.
What a fun idea. It will be neat to follow along and see what response you get.
Great idea. I was thinking of that very idea a couple of weeks ago. I think it a good idea. I had just thought of printing out a bunch of cards and handing them out. But this is a better idea. Keep us posted on what to do.
I love it! I am always thinking, I wish I was rich and could afford to share something significant with people. But I guess I really had it all wrong. I can show people I care. I love the rare kind checkout stand worker, or the helpful waitress, or the help when you drop things, etc. I am excited.
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